Exotic Fruits for Brewing
Luscious, rich flavors of exotic fruits blended with barley, hops, and malt are the perfect ingredients to create your crafted delight.
Brewing craft beers is a fine art (as is all brewing), so let’s go over a few of our favorite fruit puree beer blends that combine exotic fruits to make unforgettable brews. With enough refinement, these brews can reach the top of your tasting menu.
Let’s run-down the list of our top tips for bringing some new and exotic fruit beers into your lineup:
Find the Right Flavors For Your Fruit Puree Beer
Flavor profiles are essential in planning your next brew. Since we’re focusing on exotic fruits, we will start with our favorite fruit picks.
Cape Gooseberry
The cape gooseberry goes by many names. Also called the goldenberry, ground cherry, uchuva, and poha, this fruit is indigenous to the Americas, yet it can be found in other regions, including the countries of Egypt, England, and South Africa.
The cape gooseberry is related to both the tomatillo and the tomato, giving it both a tart and sweet flavor with notes of pineapple, apricot, and tangerine.

Also known as naranjilla, this lovely citrus fruit is a great pairing for an exotic fruit beer. Native to South and Central America, the lulo is harvested while sour and full of pineapple, citrus, and kiwi notes. It’s tart characteristics can be rounded out with a sweetening element.
Passion Fruit
This beautiful vine-species has either a yellow or purple skin and is typically found in tropical climates. It’s acidic, tart, and very fragrant.
Commonly called the maracuya in South America, this passion fruit puree is naturally sour and will further develop into a deliciously sweet fruit puree beer with the addition of lactose or other sweeteners.

Feijoa (pronounced fay-zhow-uh) is native to Brazil and similar to a lime. It’s citrus, melon flavor with a minty note makes it a naturally sour fruit, but with sweetener, can develop to have a lovely candy-like flavor in a fruit puree beer.
Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berries are harvested from acai palm trees that exist in the Amazon Rainforest. They are remarkable for their antioxidant properties, and their flavor profile has notes of blackberries and dark chocolate.

Perhaps one of the top exotic or semi-exotic fruits is the delectable mango. Ripe mangoes purees are bright, incredibly sweet, and aromatic with a succulent texture—perfect for an exotic fruit beer.
The savory meat of the harvested coconut is a flavorful addition to your next brew. In a fruit puree beer, coconut makes a fragrant pairing to other exotic fruits, like mango.
Choose Your Brew
Now time for perfect pairings that elevate your exotic brews. Experimenting until you find a full and well-balanced combination of flavors takes time and experience, but we have some helpful hints to help save you some prep and planning of your next fruit puree beers.

Sour Brews + Lulo + Feijoa
We love sour beers in hot weather, as they taste crisp and refreshing. The sour beer is one of the oldest beers known on record — dating back some more than 5000 years.
Acidic fruits make the best complement to sour beers. For exotic mixes, try the Lulo (naranjilla) and the Feijoa exotic fruit beer purees. Try your favorite basic recipes and add in your desired proportion of these fruit purees in the secondary fermentation process.
Stouts + Acai + Passion Fruit
The stout name means strong, and we love to see a hearty malt delicately balanced with a floral berry. A (relatively) more recent addition, the stout entered the beer scene in the 1700s.
A rich, bold stout serves hearty flavor in any weather. Pairing exotic fruit purees with prominent flavors of the chocolatey acai puree and berry notes from passion fruit make for unforgettable combinations of fruit puree beers.
Wheat Brew + Cape Gooseberry
Another ancient brew, the wheat beer makes a beautiful accompaniment with the cape gooseberry. The flavors of cherry, pineapple, apricot and tangerine combine to produce a delicious wheat fruit puree beer.
Again, secondary fermentation is the right stage of brewing to bring in the exotic fruit purees and develop unique exotic fruit beer blends.
Pale Ale + Mango + Coconut
For our final recommendation, try a pale ale with mango. Add in coconut exotic fruit puree for a sweet blend. These malty ales are light enough to not overpower the fruit additions.
Try out some of your other favorite blends and perfect your fruit puree beers.
We’ve put our favorite exotic fruits on the Fierce Fruits menu for you to try. Experiment with new rich and bold exotic fruit purees to make creating fruited beers easier. Grow your craft brewing parlance with Feijoa, lulo, acai, and cape gooseberry.
All of our fruits have been sun-ripened and harvested at their ideal ripeness to produce aseptic fruit purees that are amazingly flavorful.
Brew up some new recipes to share with your friends and customers, and let us know what blends are your new exotic favorites!